Established in 1992, the PRF Group has developed its activity in different markets and operates with its own affiliated companies in USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan and Europe, while other markets are handled through commercial partners.
The business development has taken the activity from the traditional studded tiles to sophisticated products used in industries like Public Transit, Electronics (Static Control Products) and Sport. And the product range has grown in a large range of patterns and designs, including products in rolls that are finding their application in the institutional markets (health care, etc.).
The expertise in the business - together with knowledge of the manufacturing processes – has allowed developing products that are at the cutting edge of the industry.
The attention to the environmental compatibility and safety (in all phases of the process and life cycle) are of primary importance and are guided by the respect of international standards. No green publicity gimmicks: just a progressive quest of the solutions that are leading the way in improving the safety and environmental compatibility of what we sell and how it is made.